In The Loop: John Bertko
John Bertko, Chief Actuary with Covered California and Carol McCall, Chief Health Analytics Officer dive into risk adjustment, alternate payment models, and much more.
John Bertko is currently an independent actuarial consultant working as the Chief Actuary with Covered California (California’s Insurance Marketplace) and performs contract work for CMS on specific projects related to the ACA. John was previously the Director for Special Initiatives and Pricing in the Center for Consumer Information and Oversight at CMS. He was also formerly a Senior Fellow at the LMI Center for Health Reform, adjunct staff at RAND, a visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution, a visiting scholar at the Center for Health Policy at Stanford, and Chief Actuary of Humana Inc. He has served in several health policy roles, including a six-year term on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC).
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Precision Health Intelligence – The Key to Population Health Success
Learn what practical steps forward-thinking organizations can take to maximize the impact of Precision Health Intelligence systems.
In The Loop: Niall Brennan
Niall Brennan, President and CEO of the Healthcare Cost Institute, and Carol McCall, Chief Health Analytics Officer discuss COVID-19, transparency in healthcare, value-based care, and much more.
In The Loop: Doug Blackwell
Doug Blackwell, formerly the SVP and CIO of Horizon (Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey), and Carol McCall, Chief Health Analytics Officer discuss the biggest challenges in wrangling healthcare data, data interoperability, the impact of AI, and much more.