Gain precision insights for product and population outcomes.
The business of life sciences R&D is fundamentally shifting – from a focus on approval to a broader view on widespread adoption by providers and payers, from proving value in controlled, clinical settings to demonstrating it in target populations and real-world conditions. Gain insights into the patients that benefit from your products and learn how to distinguish who achieves significantly better outcomes than others. Employ AI-enriched profiles to define precision cohorts and understand the medical and social factors that impact the patient journey and access to therapy.
Understand the health economics and data-driven outcomes for important therapeutic areas.
ClosedLoop generates explainable predictions using thousands of auto-generated, clinically relevant contributing factors.
Distinguish who achieves significantly better outcomes than others and refine key subpopulations, segmentation and targeting capabilities
Surface hard-to-identify patients and under-penetrated segments by applying specific inclusion and exclusion criteria
Assess health disparities and pinpoint patients who might benefit from medication assistance programs, targeted education, delivery services, adherence reminders, or medication management
Serious Fall-Related Injuries
Reduce fall-related injuries and improve functional support.